Introducing a New Food Law Course: The Public Interest in Agroecological Food Systems

The Resnick Center is excited to introduce a new food law course at UCLA School of Law this fall called “The Public Interest in Agroecological Food Systems: An Investigation,” led by Professor Paula Daniels. This seminar is designed to explore the world of agroecology and public policy approaches to institutionalizing its tenets within the US food system.

In the United States, the modern food system is mostly a private industry, with little public investment and fragmented efforts focused on food access and farm-level grant programs. This course aims to address this disparity by exploring opportunities for public sector engagement and directing the food system towards a holistic approach that aligns with public interest values such as environmental sustainability, worker well-being, small farm viability, and community health.

The course will provide a thorough examination of agroecology as a holistic and integrated approach to sustainable agriculture and food systems. Through case studies and guest lectures, students will gain insight into the underlying principles of agroecology and its practical application. The course will also analyze public policy and program approaches required to institutionalize these principles within the US food system.

For more information, please contact the Resnick Center at  We encourage any student interested in advocating for a more sustainable and equitable food system to sign up this fall!

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